A simple dice game — with a harrowing climate message
In this edition: Space law, a catchy song about eels mating, and a media landscape licking its wounds. Hello! Welcome to Deviations, and thank you so much for signing up. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please send comments my way via this contact form. And if somebody forwarded
The hidden trend within Netflix’s enormous “data dumps”
Hello! Welcome to Deviations, and thank you so much for signing up. Your support means the world. I’m still dialing in the structure of Deviations, so please send me feedback and suggestions via this contact form. And if somebody forwarded you this newsletter and thought (correctly) that you’d
Introducing Deviations
Hello! Of all the links your thumb could have clicked on, thanks for spending a moment on this one. I’m delighted to announce that I’m launching Deviations: a free, roughly biweekly experimental newsletter that will explore science, art, and the data that describe our world. Who are you?
Coming soon
This is Deviations, a brand new site by Michael Greshko that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!